Simon St. John-Green

Connecting to the University of Southampton fileshares using Linux

All these instructions are Ubuntu specific, they might need slight modification for other distributions.

In order to mount any of these shares you need a Samba client installed, on Ubuntu this is the package cifs-utils.

To connect to the filestore:

sudo mount -t cifs -o username=USERNAME // /mnt/FOLDER

Replacing USERNAME and FOLDER as necessary: USERNAME should be your University of Southampton username, and FOLDER should be the local folder you wish to mount to, this folder must already exist and should not be the mount point of any other filesystem.

Similarly, to connect to webfiles (where your personal website is stored):

sudo mount -t cifs -o user=USERNAME // /mnt/FOLDER

To connect to scan2folder (previously called 'resources', where the managed printers store scanned documents, etc):

sudo mount -t cifs -o user=USERNAME // /mnt/FOLDER

Here are the instructions for the filestore, as they would appear in /etc/fstab:

<file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
// /mnt/FOLDER cifs noauto,rw,username=USERNAME 0 0